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the ruggers lad.

Maker: Suspense 

Cost: £20-30

Size: Medium

Weight: Light, thin

Condition: 99/100

Ugliness Rating: 50/100

Overall Rating: 55/100

Front Ruggers Lad

"Oi mate, you coming round to watch the ruggers latar?"

"Ya mate! I'll be ovar as soon as I find migh gilet."

Everyone that watches rugby is a cunt. Sorry, they just are. It's not the fact they watch rugby that makes them a cunt, it's just that rugby as a sport seems to attract the worst kind of people. I don't know why this is and won't speculate on it, but all I know for sure is that every single rugby fan is a hollow swaggering prannock.

The 'rugby jersey' style of this sweater is cool in its originality, but isn't something I particularly like the look of. I can't see any reason why I would wear it, unless they invented a new sport combining golf and rugby and I won free tickets to attend. Even then I'd probably sell them and spend the money on a new sweater. Or booze. Or heroin. Probably booze. But maybe heroin?

Check out these other sweaters.

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